G ? - Social Media

G ? Durum: Aktif Şehir: istanbul İş Teklifi Normal Üye Tamamladığı iş(0)

Editor, Socail Media

Social Media Specialist- Content Editor

Uzmanlık Alanları


  • TURKMEN TECHNOLOGY (, (March 17, July 17)

Jr. Buyer


Working with a small team who work hard to build the most fashionable and burnished online shopping platform. Making collaboration with world-famous domestic and foreign brands and designers and making them sales over our website ``.Assisting the brand managers to prepare invoices and certificates and operating entire shipping process.Assisting the photographer for styling and shooting to prepare all fashion items broadcasting on wibsite.

              In addition to all, after purchasing by customers, making contact with the purveyors of the brands              who we work on consignment and following customer satisfaction process..


Editor in Chief

Coaching content focusing on real estate, construction and economy news in Turkey and World-wild as well for the platform

Designing and executing social media strategies and also creating social content Web sites like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin and Google+


  • TurizmdeBuSabah (Boyut Publishing Group)

Etitor and Social Media Strategiest




Çiğdem Sarı

Turkmen Group (CONCORDE– GAAT – ACT) – Brand Manager

Tel:05353502744    | e-posta:

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